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 1. Open NOTEPAD

2. Copy the following scripts


@echo off

color 0b

title Guessing Game by Animation link

set /a guessnum=0

set /a answer=%RANDOM%

set variable1=surf33

echo --------------------------------------------------------

echo This is a Guessing Game Made in Notepad!!!

echo What Number Am I thinking of?

echo --------------------------------------------------------




set /p guess=


if %guess% GTR %answer% ECHO Lower!

if %guess% LSS %answer% ECHO Higher!

if %guess%==%answer% GOTO EQUAL

set /a guessnum=%guessnum% ECHO Found the backdoor hey?, the answer is: %answer%

goto top


echo congratulation, You guessed right!!


echo it took you %guessnum% guesses.



After paste this code save as game.bat

play this game 

thanks you!!!!!

for visit my site.


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