1. we can use command "Alt + T" in the terminal in ubuntu environment?
a) True b) False
2. Justify whether the commands given below are true or false .
a . $ > chmod -R 744 programming --- > This command is used to assign read , write , execute permission to owner and readonly for all others on programming folder .
b . $ > chown - R www - data : www - data --- > This command is used to change the ownership of all the folders and subfolders including files , under current directory to www - data user .
a) True b) False
3. We can use the commands $ > Is -1 | wc -1 > filecount.txt to check the count of number of files in a directory ? Select one
a) True b) False
4. The following commands will help us identify the number of lines of code written in programcode.c file . $ > programcode.c | wc -
a) True b) False
5. Identify whether the output of the following commands is true or false ?
$ > mkdir programs
$ > cd programs
$ > mv programs code
Select one : Output : We first create a programs directory and get into the programs directory and change the programs ' directory name to ' code ' . So we will now be able to access the programs directory with both the names ( programs and code ) .
a) True b) False
We get the window as show in figure above , which is used to change the themes , background settings of Ubuntu desktop . Select One-a) True b) False
7. For a Bash environment , predict the output : cdeep @ cdeep : $ > echo $ SHELL
a) / bin / csh
b) / bin / sh
c) / bin / bash
d) / bin / sh
8. What do you mean by ' processes ' in unix environment ? Select One-
a) Videos , shell script , etc
b) Unix commands that run in terminal
c) Anything that running in linux
d) All of them
9. Khan wants to check the contents of the queues.c file without opening the file . What command should he use to see the contents ? Select One-
a) $ > viqueues.c
b) None of them
c) $ > cat queues.c
d) $ type queues.c
10. Ajit wants to create a soft link on " / etc / java " to point to " / usr / bin / java " . how would you help him setup the link . Select one-
a) in /etc/java
b) in / usr / bin / java
c) None of them
d) in - s / etc / java / usr / bin / java
11. Identify the internal shell command?
a) $ > man
b) $ > ps
c) $ > Is
d) $ echo
12. Identify the commands used to " edit and sort " contents of a file
Select One-
a) None of them
b) $ > cut
$ > sort
$ > paste
c) $ > make
$ > rm
$ > Is - R
d) $ > sort
$ > edit
$ > SU
13. How do we configure proxy settings of Synaptic Manager in Ubuntu 10.10 ?Select One-
a) Places- > System Tools- > Synaptic Package Manager- > Settings- > Preference- > Network tab
b) System- > Administration- > Synaptic Package Manager- > Settings- > Preference- > Network tab
c) Applications- > System Tools - > Synaptic Package Manager- > Settings- > Preference > Network Tab
d) Applications- > Accessories- > Synaptic Package Manager- > Settings- > Preference-> Network Tab
14. What is the default music player in Ubuntu 10.10 ?
Select One-
a) Divx Player
b) Real Player
c) VLC Player
d) Totem Music Player
15. Identify the steps to initiate and configure synaptic package manager in ubuntu 10.11 select one
a) Application-> Accessories-> system-> synaptic package manager
b) None of these
c) System-> Administration-> Synaptic package manger
d) Place-> System-> Synaptic package manger
16. Kiran wants to save the home directory listing to "filelist.txt" file and count the number of lines in the file without opening the file select one-
a) $> ls>wc
b) None of these
c) $>ls-l>filelist.txt, $>wc-l filelist.txt, $> ls-l| wc-l
d) $>wc-l > filelist.txt
17. Ravi wants to install 'Google Chrome' browser in Ubuntu 10.9LTS. What admin tool should he useb to install it? select one-
a) Application Manager
b) Synaptic package manager
c) Package Manager
d) None of these
18. Maya wants to check on which day of the week does her birthday fall in 5 may 1981 using the calendrer feature from the command line. what command should maya use? select one-
a)$> cal 5 12 1981
b) $> cal 1981 12 05
c) $> cal 5 1981
d) $> cal 12 05 1981
19. How do you change the current directory to 'etc/java/bin' and append this path to existing PATH setting? select one-
a) $>echo $HOME
b) $>echo $HOME
$ SET PATH=/etc/java/bin
c) $>echo $HOME
d) $>cd/etc/java/bin
20. What do you mean by "Commands" in linux environment? Select one-
a) None of these
b) Words keyed to cause some actions to take place
c) Are generally not case sensitive
d) Seldom size of 6 or more characters
21. What is the command used to check the pid of all the processes current running in Linux environment? Select One-
a) su
b) ps -f
c) ps -ef
d) None of these
22. How to change the theme of desktop in ubuntu 10.10? Select one-
a) Application-> System Tools-> office-> Appearance
b) Application-> Accessories-> System-> Preference-> Appearance
c) Place->System-> Desktop-> Appearance
d) System-> Preference-> Appearance
23. Ajay wants to find number of lines in "trees.c" file without opening the file. How would you help him? select one
a) wc
b) wc> trees.c
c) wc -l trees.c
24. How do we capture command errors generated from incorrect commands and save them to " errorlog.txt" file? select one-
a) $>wc rem -2>errorlog.txt
b) $>wc rem >errorlog.txt
c) None of these
d) $>wc >errorlog.txt
25. Karan wants to change the ownership on karan.txt file from sachin to karan and make karan as the group owner for karan directory. what steps should karan perform to complete the task? select one:-
a) $>chown -R karan and $>cd karan, $>chown -R karan.txt
b) chown -R karan karan and $>cd karan, $>chown -R karan karan.txt
c) chown -R sachin karan and $>cd karan, $>chown-R sachin karan.txt
d) chmod -R 755.txt
26. Sudha wants to check the file permissions given to her folder and files by sys-admin. what command should she use to get the results? Select one:
a) chmod
b) ln
c) ln -s
d) ls -l
27. Identify the pid of the parent process from the source given below:
ttt@t- 1:~$ ps -f
ttt 5843 5837 2 18:46 pts/1 00:00:00 bash
ttt 5898 5843 2 18:46 pts/1 00:00:00 ps -f
Answer: 5843
28. select the correct pair of keyboard shortcuts?
key used to autofill the commands typed recently within a session --- TAB
shortcut keys used to start a terminal windows? --- Alt+Ctrl+T
key used to scroll the history of commands executed recently within a session ---- Up and Down Arrow keys
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