1. we can use command "Alt + T" in the terminal in ubuntu environment? a) True b) False 2. Justify whether the commands given below are true or false . a . $ > chmod -R 744 programming --- > This command is used to assign read , write , execute permission to owner and readonly for all others on programming folder . b . $ > chown - R www - data : www - data --- > This command is used to change the ownership of all the folders and subfolders including files , under current directory to www - data user . a) True b) False 3. We can use the commands $ > Is -1 | wc -1 > filecount.txt to check the count of number of files in a directory ? Select one a) True b) False 4. The following commands will help us identify the number of lines of code written in programcode.c file . $ > programcode.c | wc - a) True b) False 5. Identify whether the output of the following commands is tru...
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