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Showing posts from August, 2020

Learn Python Biginners to Advance

How to Download Python For Laptop/PC search:  in your chrome browser/ another browser  then download latest version of python for your pc/laptop. Then Install latest version of PYCHARM-- goto google chrome and search:Pycharm and click first link Note: If your PC is 32 bit Old Computer with 2gb RAM then install pycharm version 2018.2.7 For Android Open your play store then search: pydroid3 and click on install. Start Learning Python 1.How to find output in python Write any word in print("write text here")  same word you get in output. EXAMPLES: Code:

Code Rain with use Notepad

Step 1 : Open your Notepad/Notepad ++ Step 2 : Type this code in Notepad Code: @echo off title code rain mode 1000 color 0a goto ti cls :ti echo (type in what ever u like) pause cls goto di :di echo %random%%random%%random%%random% %random%%random%%random%%random% %random%%random%%random%%random% %random%%random%%random%%random% %random%%random%%random%%random% %random%%random%%random%%random% %random%%random%%random%%random% %random%%random%%random%%random% %random%%random%%random%%random% %random%%random%%random%%random% %random%%random%%random%%random% %random%%random%%random%%random% %random%%random%%random%%random% %random%%random%%random%%random% Save as:  code rain.bat

How to make snake game in Notepad

  Step 1: Open your Notepad/Notepad ++ Step 2: Type this code in Notepad Code: @echo off if "%~1" == "startGame" goto :game if "%~1" == "startController" goto :controller ::------------------------------------------------------------ :: verify existence of CHOICE command :: set up a macro appropriately depending on available version set "choice=" 2>nul >nul choice /c:yn /t 0 /d y if errorlevel 1 if not errorlevel 2 set "choice=choice /cs" if not defined choice ( 2>nul >nul choice /c:yn /t:y,1 if errorlevel 1 if not errorlevel 2 set "choice=choice /s" ) if not defined choice ( echo ERROR: This game requires the CHOICE command, but it is missing. echo Game aborted. :( echo( echo A 16 bit port of CHOICE.EXE from FREEDOS is available at echo echo( echo( exit /b ) ::--------------------------------------------------------------------

How to make clock in Notepad

Step 1: Open Your Notepad/Notepad ++ Step 2: Then type this code below Code:  @echo off Title Clock @mode con cols=35 lines=7 color 0f :main cls echo. echo Time: %time% echo. echo Date: %date% echo. ping -n 2 >nul goto main Save as: clock.bat

Make a calculator with use Notepad

step 1: Open your Notepad step 2: Then type below coding Coding: @echo off title My Calculator v 2.0 color E :top echo -------------------------------------------- echo Welcome to The My Calculator v 2.0 echo type your math problems below echo -------------------------------------------- set /p equation= set /a ans= %equation% cls echo %ans% pause > Nul Save as: Calculator.bat